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Ejiofor committed fraud in the lawsuit he filed against me — Ugwuonye

3 min read

Emeka Ugwuonye, founder of Due Process Advocates (DPA)

Attorney Emeka Ugwuonye, founder of Due Process Advocates International (DPA), has accused Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiofor of commiting fraud in the defamatory lawsuit he filed against him.

He said this after Justice Njideka Nwosu-Iheme of Abuja High Court awarded N505 billion damages in favour of Ejiofor following a defamatory lawsuit he brought against him (Emeka Ugwuonye).

Justice Njideka Nwosu-Iheme in a controversial ruling on Tuesday, granted a perpetual injunction restraining attorney Emeka Ugwuonye, his agents, associates, privies, and/or proxies from carrying out any libelous publication against Ejiofor.

Ejiofor had in the suit marked: CV/535/2022 dragged the fiery human rights lawyer to a federal High Court in Abuja, demanding N5.1bn for allegedly defamatory publication.

One of the defamatory materials was said to have been published and circulated on the Internet on February 5, 2022, and continued till February 8, 2022.

Meanwhile, the judge while delivering judgement awarded the sum of N5,000,000,000:00 (Five Billion Naira) as general and exemplary damages while the sum of N100,000,000:00 (Hundred Million Naira) was also awarded to Ejiofor being the cost of this action.

The court also ordered the defendant (Emeka Ugwuonye) to forthwith publish a full retraction of the alleged libelous publications and tender apology to Mr Ejiofor in at least three national Newspapers with nationwide circulation.

The defendant was also ordered to forthwith publish a written undertaking not to publish any similar or further libel of and concerning the claimant.

Moreover, Emeka while describing Ejiofor as a fake individual accused him of secretly filing a lawsuit against him.

He said Ejiofor in order to make him unaware of the lawsuit, failed to give his actual address to the court.

“I knew that Ifeanyi Ejiofor is a fake person. He lies to harmless Igbo youths and promises them a country he knows they can’t have. Based on these reckless and false promises, many Igbo youths get killed while Ejiofor gets rich. You know I will never allow such to go unchallenged. So, I called their bluff. They are using Biafra to defraud the gullible.

“Ejiofor secretly filed a lawsuit against me. To make sure I would not know about such lawsuit, he didn’t give my address to the court. Look at the document that he filed in court. Can you see what he wrote as my address? So, how did the court serve me the process? Where did the court give me notices of hearing? Only a criminal will sue a man but fail to give an address where the man will be served. And only a Naija court will give a minute of it time to such a useless lawsuit.

“To make sure I would not know about such lawsuit, he didn’t give my address to the court. Look at the document that he filed in court. Can you see what he wrote as my address? So, how did the court serve me the process? Where did the court give me notices of hearing? Only a criminal will sue a man but fail to give an address where the man will be served. And only a Naija court will give a minute of it time to such a useless lawsuit”, Ejiofor said in a statement he made available to News Band Newspaper”

The fiery human rights lawyer further vowed to teach Ifeanyi Ejiofor a bitter lesson.

“Now, I can finally teach Ejiofor a lesson. I had ignored him because people kept begging me not to take him down while he is still parading himself as lawyer for Nnamdi Kanu. I know that Nnamdi Kanu had been trying to remove Ejiofor as his lawyer to clear the way for me to teach that rascal a lesson once and for all.”

Ugwuonye however, stressed that any court that gives judgment against him without serving the originating process has no jurisdiction over him.

“Any court that gives judgment against me without serving me the originating process has no jurisdiction over me. That is elementary law. It is just another hot air. (See how they wrote my address for the case).

“Somebody wondered why any newspaper would report such story without checking the facts. But this is Nigeria. A little change will get a pseudo journalist to peddle anything.”


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