Deborah: I’ve lost faith in humanity — Farooq Kperogi
2 min read
Deborah Samuel
American based scholar and columnist, Professor Farooq Kperogi says, he has lost faith in humanity after some Muslim believers justified the brutal killing of Deborah Samuel.
Deborah who was a student of Shehu Shagari college of education last week, was brutally murdered by some religious extremists after she was accused of making derogatory remarks against prophet Muhammad in a WhatsApp forum.

Kperogi in a statement described her killing as horrific, adding that he will never trust anyone who justifies murder.
According to him, only a murderer, or a potential murderer, would defend and justify murder.
He said, “That such a large number of highly credentialed, full-grown northern Nigerian Muslim adults in full control of their mental faculties (who repeat the mantra that “Islam is a religion of peace,” no less) would countenance, defend, justify, and even revel in the insensate slaughter of Deborah Yakubu Samuel because of “blasphemy” makes me question my entire existence.
“The murder of Deborah is horrific, but what’s even more horrific is the forceful defense and justification of her murder by fellow Muslims that I’d considered rational, thoughtful, compassionate, and reasonable. It shows that this sort of mindless bloodletting won’t let up.
“I didn’t realize I had these many murderers as friends and acquaintances. I’ve now recalibrated my relational compass. Don’t trust anyone who justifies murder. Only a murderer, or a potential murderer, would defend and justify murder. There’s no question about that.
“I’m never going to debate with anyone over the propriety of murdering another human being who didn’t kill anyone. The sanctity of human life shouldn’t be up for debate. I am so done!
“I’ve been emotionally down these past few days. I hadn’t come to terms with the enormity of insensate cruelty that dwells in our people and culture. We’re talking here of the life of another human being, not a chicken, for crying out loud!”